Static, chatter, and other hazy ramblings.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I am such a geek...

Dear fellow dorks:

Reading Facebook today, I’m reminded — both by my teacher friends and my friends with school-age children — that ‘tis the season for the dreaded...Parent/Teacher conference.

Except I have a secret to admit: I always looked forward to conferences. Why?? Well, for starters, my parents had to be out for the evening, which means I probably got to stay home and eat junk food for dinner. Second: I was a pretty good kid. I learned early on that the heels of a good teacher conference was a really good time to ask my Dad for stuff. And third, this was just further proof that the world did, in fact, revolve around me.

Only child syndrome much? Anyone else out there want to get a shameful childhood secret off their chest? I’m listening...


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