Static, chatter, and other hazy ramblings.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Complaint File...

Dear People Responsible for Making “New Moon”:

I just watched your movie. It was a’ight...but I have a beef.

I’m not sure if you’ve watched the movie all the way through or not, so you may not be aware that there are some scenes in which key people do NOT have their shirts off. I paid $11 to see this movie, and I was promised that Jacob Black would be shirtless the whole time — yet there are entire scenes (even one on a beach for goodness’ sakes) where those beautiful abs are covered up. This is a travesty!! Also, Edward wears entirely too many clothes throughout most of the film. I’m really hoping you plan to correct this by the time “Eclipse” rolls around.

In addition, I would like to complain about the relative lack of gratuitous shirtless-ness by other members of the Cullen family, especially Carlisle and Emmett. Wouldn’t totally mind seeing Charlie without his uniform either.

So, in summary, the shirts have got to go. I think you’ll find this tip will not only help you continue to break box office records, but it might shave a few bucks off of your wardrobe budget to boot.

Just sayin’....


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