Static, chatter, and other hazy ramblings.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Brooklyn Bridge!!

Yesterday, my cousins and I decided to walk the Brooklyn Bridge. What a novel idea, right? Except it happened to coincide with the first actually HOT day in New York City. And it was a Saturday, so there were about as many people milling about as there were nearby at City Hall for the Arizona immigration law protests...

Anyway, undeterred by the massive number of people with the exact same unique idea, we decided to go for it. Got very lost trying to find the walkway, but eventually got here:

(There was a lot of pigeon poop right here under this sign. Still, we pressed on...)

This is the point in the walk (about 45 second in) where I came up with my brilliant business idea.

What was this brilliant idea, you might ask?? For $5 you rent scissors to overdressed tourists who want to turn their pants into shorts. Seriously, I think this might work. There were plenty of entrepreneurial chaps with coolers selling water - but not a scissor to be found. Alas. So, After a quick pause to roll up my jeans, we continued.

It was really a lovely walk...with some amazing views and some really neat vantage points, including this one:

I love how the lines of the cables intersect here. Just gorgeous.

In the end, it was a really long walk -- but it was a great time with my cousins and something I never got the chance to do during the 6 years I lived in NYC...

The pinnacle of our journey was this gorgeous view of the bridge and Manhattan skyline from the Brooklyn Bridge Park.

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