Static, chatter, and other hazy ramblings.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Thoughts from 36,000 feet...

A few random thoughts from my flight from DTW to SNA tonight:


- Am in crappy, no-legroom coach. 
- I want to hurt the parents of the kid who keeps yelling at the top of his lungs "I love water!!" "Don't you love water?!?" This is what they make children's Benadryl for, people. I am not one of those complainers who thinks all kids should be banned from flights. I get it that babies cry sometimes. BUT, a three-year old in this situation needs to be reprimanded. 
- It is mean to bring KFC on a five hour flight. It smells really good and makes other people who do not have KFC, only cold, three hour-old Taco Bell, VERY angry.***

- I did somehow win the "only open middle seat on the plane is in my row" lottery. So that helps. 
- Internet on flight to help alleviate boredom, though am watching with dismay the power meter on my MacBook get slowly depleted. 
- Xanax plus a double vodka/cranberry will go a long way toward alleviating any residual anger caused by the above "BAD" observations.

***This blog does not endorse the consumption of unrefrigerated, three hour old Taco Bell...While fairly certain it is OK to eat 3 hour old taco bell, as I can imagine that they stuff it with more preservatives than you can shake a stick at, I have gotten the vodka as a preventative antiseptic. This blog DOES endorse the consumption of vodka.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Best Bar Bathroom Graffiti Ever!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Sunday, March 7, 2010